Do you want to be a successful forex trader? Do you have the skills and understanding of how markets work? If so, congratulations! You are on your way to being a successful trader. But if not, don’t worry because there is help out there for you. Here we will how you can take your first step to be successfull trader and get Vantage X that can give you the edge in the market and forex trading with little to no effort required from yourself.
Step 1 – Open Forex Trading Accont
First Step to start trading with Vantage X is you need to have Forex trading account. As Vantage X works on both MT4 and MT4 and it works with all brokers. We recommend to Use some trust worthy and regulated broker. We have compiled the list of forex brokers which you can check out
Step 2 – Purchase Vantage point X License
Second Step Is to get Vantage X license. There are three Licenses available for Vantage X.
Step 3- Provide us Anydesk or Team Viewer
After the payment you will receive the payment invoice and Installer on you email address with complete manual how to install Vantage X in you computer and attach to your MT4 or MT5. If you want our help to install vantage x in your computer up you need to provide us Your anydesk or teamviewer (both are free software for remote assistance) and we will take it from there.